Thursday 10 March 2016

Day Four Exploring Torrent Bay and Environs, Walking and Canoeing

Day 4  Friday, February 19, 2016

On a cool, clear morning eight people took up the option of paddling on the Torrent Bay Estuary. Paddling harmoniously, they saw many birds and the native fruit - kea kea which is reasonably hard to find.  An agreed silent time enabled them to enjoy the wilderness around them whilst paddling along. They passed boats including those getting ready to sail for the day. They arrived back dry then a few proceeded to fall in the wet sand while pulling the kayaks out.  The McCaw’s won the best looking paddler award - they were very co - coordinated.

When the paddlers were back and geared up ready to hike, we set off on the first section of the day's walk along the Abel Tasman Coastal Track to Cleopatra's Pool Track. This took us beside the crystal clear Torrent River with beautiful moss covered rocks and views into fern gullies. The guides told us about the various trees, plants and Maori legends while waiting for the walkers in the rear to catch up.

On reaching Cleopatra's pool, a decision had to be made about whether to cross on the wet rocks and make a spectacle of oneself or stay behind on safe ground.  The brave ventured forth, stripped off and bathed in the cold water.  Many shrieks were heard as some tried the natural water slide - one female is said to have done a double backflip!

The second section of the day's walk involved backtracking along the river then a short cut with a steep decent onto a lesser used side track which led us to Anchorage beach. We were amazed to see elephant shaped rocks in the cove. One exotic lady (not in our group) climbed up and positioned herself on one of the elephant's heads. Lots of photos taken here.

Lunch was at the end of the beach. There were good facilities at this camp. The guides made hot drinks for us and we could replenish our drinking water.

After lunch there was a choice to walk the third section - walk on to one of the most photographed bays in NZ - Ta Pukatea or go back and relax in Torrent Bay Lodge. Those who decided to go back   found it was a much shorter trip than they thought as it was shoes off and a wade across Torrent Bay Estuary, scramble up the sand dune and walk along the beach to home.  The group who continued on all said they were glad they had gone on as the views were magnificent. Whitey gave them a history lesson about Abel Tasman and they took the short cut home across the estuary.

Many thanks to Darylene for organising this trip.

Karen Sheedy

Photo Joy
Photo Joy  Whitey giving a paddling lesson

Photo Joy Neil & Kerry, Greg and Dianne, Peter & Rhonda
Photo Joy         4th canoe Mike & Darylene, solitary paddler Whitey
Photo Joy

 Photo Joy   Guide Michelle ( replacing Garrick) 

The bay at low tide, where we were paddling st 8 am

Cleopatra's pool
Photo Joy  Mike venturing over the rocks
Photo Joy  Ching, Amy, Whitey
The bravest of all, still wearing her glasses!
Michelle, one of our 3 guides, waiting to lead us out of Cleopatra's pool track.

Returning to the lodge via same morning track

Returning to Torrent Bay Lodge via the back gate.

What a relief to find our baggage safely arrived by sea from Meadowbank Homestead!
Greg's photo taken on the long circuit walk with Whitey
Chris, Karen & Janet
Photo Kerry?     Sue, Ching, Michael, Karren, Connie, Jenny, Janet & Ann

Joy & Greg. A romantic photo in a romantic scenery, witness by 23 other members! 

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