Thursday 10 March 2016

Day Three Walking from Meadowbank Lodge to Torrent Bay Lodge

Day 3 Thursday February 18, 2016
We set off on the longest day’s walk of our trip along the beach with slightly heavier packs than usual. We had been told that due to the rough seas our luggage may not make it to the next stop so we needed to carry everything needed for the next night and day. The track was good and generally consisted of a steady climb followed by a descent to the next beach. The surface was excellent, about a metre wide, and reminded me of a miniature railway, with many cuttings into the steep hillside. An 8 km section brought us to our morning tea stop. This necessitated removing shoes and fording a stream. At this point Connie and Elaine decided to catch the water taxi which proved the most exciting part of the trip. This was not a regular stop and the boat could not quite reach the shore. With the oncoming waves Connie had water to her chest and Elaine up to her neck. It provided much concern on our part and amusement for the onlookers aboard the boat. A 5 kilometre section brought us to our lunch stop where Dianne and Fiona boarded the ferry – minus the excitement of the previous boarding. A final 7 kms section brought us to our beachside lodge and the usual happy hour and cooked dinner. We lost our guide Garrick at this point due to swelling on his arm due perhaps to a bight. Of course the whole walk consisted of stunning bush and coastal views and we were blessed with fine weather – very unexpected after the previous day and nights downpour. 
Steve Clarke. 

Dianne's note: do you have photos of the last 7 km of the walk on day 3 to email me to complete this post?

Photo Kerry?


Photo Joy 

Sue crossing with 2 poles! guides Garrick and Amy

Amazing terrain to walk on......

Guide and morning tea cook! 

Whitey giving the billy tea a good stirring! 

Connie assisted by Garrick to get on the boat

Photo Cindy         Suspended bridge

Photo Cindy

Post Dianne and Fiona ferry to Torrent Bay Lodge

First glimpse of Torrent Bay Lodge

Fiona arriving at Torrent Bay Lodge after disembarking from the small boat to which we transferred from the water Taxi.
Elaine and Connie welcoming Fiona & Dianne arriving at Torrent Bay Lodge by boat
Beach view of Torrent Bay Lodge

Photo Joy Torrent Bay?
Photo Dianne

Photo Dianne

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