Thursday 10 March 2016

Day Two Exploring Awaroa Bay on a Very Wet Day and/or Resting in the Cosy Meadowbank Homestead

Day 2  Wednesday February 17, 2016      The wet day

This was the wet and windy day.   With the threat of rain looming, some clever people decided not to walk at all and stayed behind to enjoy our luxury accommodation. Clad in our water walking shoes we began with a walk along the beach, and through the water.  Pleasant enough, with a drop of rain here and there.   A short detour into the bush to see the steam engine, originally used for crushing bark to obtain tannen. This process not being all that successful, the machine was converted for cutting wood.   By now all raincoats are in use, and some more clever people decided it was time to return.  The rest of us soldiered on to see the old school site which was at the end of a track which skirted the beach and then went deeper into the bush.   There was nothing to see at this site, but Whitey, as ever, provided an interesting commentary.    Now the rain has really settled in and the group divides again, leaving only five foolhardy walkers accompanying Whitey to see the gravesite of the daughter of early settlers.  Sloshing along a barely visible, sometimes non existent track and trusting our guide we trecked deeper into the bush.  We found the grave and also a chimney base indicating the location of the house.   It was worth it.  It was teeming down now, and we headed home.  Back to the beach, Whitey decided to take a shortcut across the mudflats. Feet were sucked in and shoes had to be retrieved from the mud.   By now the rain is horizontal and the wind is picking up, the knee high wading through water was taken in our stride, 
literally.  So lovely to arrive back to a warm, dry house with a tasty lunch awaiting us.   
Christine Fryer

Twenty-one brave walkers......
Kerry, in elegant wet weather gear!
Peter, also in elegant wet weather gear. Winner of the member best prepared for action!

Guides Garrick and Whitey
Awaroa river at low tide, 

Kaye and Steve, signing in the rain......
Four very despondent looking walkers, listening to a talk given by Garrick on the importance of a non native plant such as the Himalaya vine 
Kaye, Chris, Darylene (could not keep her despondent look for the camera), Kerry
Pretty flowers and fruit of Himalyan vine
Cindy, looking at home in this cosy decor
Connie, a well earned rest by the fire

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